Thursday, June 10, 2010

In which Cycles listens to Dylan's 'Slow Train Coming' while opening his bike box

My top is in indeed very fragile. The grin is one of anticipation and well, fear. Would the bicycle be intact ? Would I be capable of putting the handlebars on? Would I, in fact, be worthy?

Justify Full
There's my leg at Killakee car park, being worthy. I am aware that there are many, many problems with this photo. You can't see the bike. I should have spent at least a day on a sun bed before inflicting said leg upon my four readers. And the picture was snapped by an axe murder. Really. Or he certainly looked, sounded and acted like an axe murder. He had stopped at the car park to have a quick smoke before continuing on about his dismembered body secreting activities and we fell into conversation as I took stock of the magnificent climbing experience that my latest ride had provided. He was then kind enough to not steal my phone or gut me. So very kind.

Marcin the Magnificent will fit me tonight and I intend taking the inadvisable step of making the first proper ride on my first proper carbon fibre bicycle 200 kilometres of Wicklowness. Will Cycles tweak a knee? Herniate a disc? Break a face? All will be revealed.


  1. you should get Annie to take your photo, she'd make you look cool and heroic and badass and all that stuff.

  2. I can't afford her. My axe murderer was cheap.
